Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jaron is potty-trained!!

Wow, just when I'm thinking, "I can't handle potty-training our almost-3-year-old while we have a 6-month-old rolling around," God totally hands me a lifeboat right when I need it. Jaron was actually a breeze to potty train. I completely underestimated him. He was ready, and especially with the help of Cary and big brother Jordan, he did it! He is so proud! We did a 3 day potty training "party." It started off with a fun breakfast with his Daddy, and when he came home, there were some surprises waiting for him.
Here are the surprises....I know, it may not seem like much, but honestly who needs anything more than candy, juice boxes, and new underwear?
Let me emphasize how crucial it was to have Batman juice (pronounced, "jooooossssss" by Jaron, below).
Here is what Elijah thought of Jaron's potty training days. Clearly, he's not ready. He can't even take this seriously.
Still, what a cutie!

YAY JARON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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