Sunday, October 31, 2010

End of Summer, Hello Fall!

Here are some pictures of our boys at the end of the summer and the beginning of fall.
This one below was more like the middle of summer, but it was such a cute one from my friend Sarah that I had to include it...This is Jaron with one of his best friends, Alex. As you can see, they are like 2 peas in a pod.
The little boys with Dada!
Here are a couple of Elijah at the Flight Museum playground.

A typical afternoon in the playroom...

This is Jaron on his first day of preschool!!! What a big boy he is! He LOVES it.

Jaron's sweet teachers

Elijah and his cute little toothy smile. :)
Our boys

I included this one because it is so typical of a random day at our house...Jaron playing guitar in his underwear and Elijah playing with an oatmeal box.
Here is Jaron with his toy "shaving kit" that Mimi gave him.
Jaron with his face painted at the Octoberfest.

We went to the Octoberfest with another best buddy, Creede Hudson.
Jaron's first time to ride a pony...
Jaron and Creede Hudson with Uncle Creede
The little boys with Dada!

The sweet Williams family
Jaron, Elijah and I went to a fun little pumpkin patch with our MOPS group. Here are some pictures from that.

Jaron is here in the blue "car" with his friend Alex.

He also had lots of fun with his new friend Sadie!

This is at church one evening after dinner.
My big boys...
My little boy!

Shopping with Daddy at Whole Foods. The boys like the airplane carts.
Cute picture with Mimi after swimming lessons! I tried to capture the one time they were wearing coordinating shirts.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Martha's Vineyard!

Okay, so I am FINALLY posting the pictures of our great trip to Martha's Vineyard! I've had some technical difficulties with Blogger so sorry!! Also, please take a look at my blog in a few days because I promise I have a couple of great posts coming up....Elijah's First Birthday and Halloween!!
Here is Jordan in Martha's Vineyard the night of the JP show. He was such a great helper!
Cary and Jack also did a show overlooking the water during an awesome clambake. It was a gorgeous day and a fun way to spend the afternoon!

This is Jack and his sweet girlfriend Krista.
Jack and Cary's Mom, Sandra

Here's the JP poster outside the Whaling Church where they performed. It's next to a poster for Ben Taylor (James Taylor's son) who performed there the next night.
It's hard to capture how cool this venue was, but it was so up-close and intimate. Everyone there was obviously a huge fan, because they stood up and applauded after almost every song, not to mention it was 450 plus people that came from hundreds of miles away (a plane ride and a ferry ride for most) to get there.

Jordan and Marisol (our niece) at the show.
After the show at the Harborview Hotel.

This is a picture of Jaron and Elijah during bathtime right before the show. We had a babysitter come stay with them in the room because it was gonna be past their bedtime. The sitter was AWESOME, and they were so happy with her. This is a picture of the two of them in the bathtub right before I left to go out. Incidentally, they also had just had a major meltdown!! So I guess the bath calmed them down and they were happy!

Here are several attempts at a family picture on the Vineyard. Along with the 5 Pierces, my Mom came, and so did my sister Kim and her husband Jim!

John and Joa Muns (my aunt and uncle) came too!

Here is my aunt Joa trying to bribe Jaron with candy so he would smile for the pictures.

Jaron and Daddy swimming!

Kim with Elijah
Jim with Jaron
Jim with Elijah!

Cary's parents, sister, our brother-in-law, and niece came too, and here we are spending time with them at the beach!
Elijah enjoyed his first trip to the beach!

Lissa, Marisol, and Elijah!

Jaron spent a lot of time trying to collect seashells. Also, he tried to catch a seagull after one swooped down and snatched up his peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Jordan on the beach
Jaron and Marisol playing in the water!
Building sandcastles

Elijah liked the sand toys too!

Mimi with Jaron after a fun seaside dinner at the fish market in Menemsha. This is one of Cary's Dad's favorite places to eat, and it's awesome.
Elijah in his little beach hat

Isn't this the best picture ever!? He looks like a little naked cherub floating in the sky!

Jaron and Cary walking around in Edgartown
Both little boys fell asleep in the stroller as we took walks in Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs.

Jaron on the beach with a smile :) Didn't need candy for that one.
It was the most beautiful view outside our hotel with this lighthouse.

Marisol and Elijah at the playground where Sandra and Dick (Cary's parents) stayed. We had several GREAT evenings there playing on the playground and eating dinner.
Marisol gave Elijah this little boat.
Eating at Seafood Shanty

Just hanging out at the Harborview Hotel

Here is Jaron with his crab cookie that Grammy (Cary's Mom) gave him.

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