Sunday, August 16, 2009


Jordan went to his 1st overnight camp this summer at Pine Cove. He LOVED it and had the best time. Here are a couple of photos from when we picked him up.
This is Jordan and his counselor, "Tinkertoy."
Aunt Kimmy came to visit in June!! It was such a fun time. She gave him anything he wanted (almost), which included this BIG lollipop and a black VW bug toy car, which he now refers to as "Kimmy's car." He loved spending time with her and can't wait to see her again!

Here is a picture of Jaron at the doctor's office getting lollipops. They definitely helped him feel "all better."

Jaron's best friend Ava came over in June for our last "weekly" playdate, after a year of playing together every Tuesday. Ava and her parents moved to Galveston for my cousin Alan's residency in neurosurgery. (Stay tuned for a post about our fun visit to Galveston.) We have missed them so much already! Kyla and I cried at the last playdate, and of course the kids didn't have any clue that there was any reason to be sad. :) They played in the sandbox and went down Jaron's new slide. They really are best friends!!

My friend Jill sent the boys this adorable and huge panda bear, which is lovingly referred to as "REALLY BIG PANDA!" The boys love to tackle it, throw it around, AND snuggle with it. Thank you Jill!

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1 comment:

Natalie said...

I'm glad Jordan had fun at Pine Cove, next summer, how about Deer Run? We could rent a cabin at Holly Lake. Owen would go to day camp, Jordan would be there all week, and Jarron, June, and new baby could play all day! Sounds like a winner to me!