Sunday, May 22, 2011

Easter and Springtime

Here are our 3 boys getting ready for Easter...with Parker the bunny!
This is Elijah's sweet little friend Mimi. He loves her!
Sweet big boy and little boy

Hiding in Dadda's guitar case
Jaron and his friends at his preschool "Pajama Day."
It was also the day that Cary played some music for Elijah's "March Madness Breakfast" at his school.
Jaron's best buddy Ava came to visit!
Here are some pictures from Jaron's Preschool Olympics Day. Their class was (obviously) the Yellow Team!

Here is Jaron doing the egg relay. Look how intense he is!
And the water balloon toss!
All his preschool buddies!
Before Easter we went to a MOPS Easter Egg Hunt (MOPS is a group I'm in called Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers). Here are the boys!

Since the egg hunt was for preschoolers, Jordan was Jaron's "helper."

Elijah enjoyed picking flowers!

Then he decided to start hunting eggs!
Daddy helped. :)

Cary and I got to go to NYC to visit Kim and Jim! Jim starred in "Million Dollar Quartet." It was SO great! Thank you Jim and Kim for a super fun weekend!

Jaron's preschool class had an Easter party. I made these cute little "Easter basket" cupcakes. Jaron helped me and I thought they turned out so cute!

Here they are listening to their sweet teacher tell them the story of the Resurrection. It was fun this year to really try to find ways to teach even our little boys about the reason we celebrate Easter!
Then, of course, they dipped Easter eggs!

We spent Easter evening at Mimi's house! Here the little boys are looking after "their garden" in Mimi's backyard. Jaron, especially, is very proud of his gardening efforts back there. He loves to come each week to see what has grown up!

Here's Elijah playing peekaboo with Tanner!

All 3 boys got cute little Easter baskets!

Here is Elijah with his best buddy and cousin, Hudson. Next year both of them will be old enough to really hunt Easter eggs!
Of course, Jordan found most of the eggs!

Jaron's class did the sweetest thing- A Mother's Day Tea Party. It was adorable. The kids had the room set up with a place setting for each mommy. We had bonnets for our heads, flowers in flower pots, pictures made by our kids, a plate made for each of us by our child, and each child brought us a plate of fruit and cookies with Iced Tea. They were so proud of themselves for doing something nice for mommy! Thank you, Jaron, for being so sweet!
Then the kids sang a song for us, and they had a card with their response to the question, "What does your Mommy do?" Jaron's said, "She kisses me!"
Then they made bead bracelets for us!
The teachers often post the kids' responses to questions they ask them during class. Here are a few of the ones they did that week. So cute!

Here are Jaron and his friend Jett on "Cowboy Day" at school.

And here are Jaron and Alex!
And here is Elijah's sweet little class! Elijah wanted to wear a hat on Cowboy day too!
I know...there was a lot going on at the Preschool this month! Here are some pictures from Splash Day...the kids played in the water and on a slip-n-slide.
Jaron and his sweet friend Marshall

The whole class! I will really miss this sweet First Year of Preschool. The teachers, the children, the activities...everything was absolutely adorable.
Here's a sweet picture of Elijah with Baw Paw, Cary's Dad.
And my sweet Jaron with a BIG helmet on. Stay tuned....I'll be posting pictures of his 4th Birthday Party very soon!

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