Friday, October 26, 2012

Late Summer 2012

Here are some pictures from late summer 2012.  The first is a picture of the boys at CVS with some toys they wanted me to buy.  So, we took a photo of them "so I will remember."  :)
Here are some cutie pictures of Elijah in his first little soccer class, Kickstart.  He absolutely LOVED it and felt like a big boy since finally he gets to play soccer like his brothers!

The boys with some flag cookies from Mimi!

They really love each other.  Sweet hugs!
A visit to the Museum of Nature and Science
Jaron had a cavity fixed in July, and he couldn't eat anything but jello for a whole morning.  So here's our jello feast!
Here he is right outside the dentist's office.  He got a new Snoopy and a new sticker book to play with. He did so great!  When he came out of the anesthesia all he wanted to do was more stickers!  Now he loves to show off his "knight" or "robot" tooth.  (It is a silver one in the back of his mouth.)
Elijah being "cuddly."
Cary sent me this picture one morning when he and the boys had "boys time."  Perfect and muddy!!
Here is Jaron with his group at "Kids' Camp" this summer.  It was a day camp where they got to play games, do crafts, see animals, and have snowcones every day!!  Note in this picture Jaron's "cool smile," as he calls it.
We went to visit this awesome Lego town in the Galleria mall.  The boys had so much fun building!

Makin music with their own little guitars....
Frosting and eating dinosaur cookies we made!

This is Jaron and Elijah doing their "homework."  They set this up all on their own.  Jaron has now started to teach Elijah his letters.  It's very cute!

On my birthday this year Cary was out of town for 1 night, but he ordered this amazing dessert (and cocktail) for me from Dive, my favorite restaurant, where several of my family members met me for dinner!  It was fun!  Thank you Cary!
Sweet brothers

Some pics from Burger Lake in Fort Worth.  

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