Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Christmas 2011 Part 2

This Christmas was full of so many wonderful memories. This picture is of Jaron and his preschool class at their Nativity play. Jaron played a "wise man," and as he told us, he was the one carrying the gold. :) Incidentally, Cary had also played a wise man in his Nativity play as a child, but when asked by his Dad what his role was to play, Cary had said that he would be playing the part of a "wise guy." That raised many laughs in the Pierce family. So, carrying on the tradition of the wise man, here is Jaron Pierce!!

2 "wise guys"
My sweet little boy who is growing up to be such a big boy. Jaron, we pray that you will "walk with the wise and become wise" (Proverbs 13:20), and that you will "be wise, and set your heart on the right path" (Proverbs 23:19).
Daddy even came to the Christmas party to sing carols!
This is the Christmas party treat that Jaron and I made together for the class. Snowman cupcakes!
Jaron and his friend, Luke

This was a special treat- to visit Jordan at his school for his school Christmas party! All the kids thought Jordan's brothers were "SO cute."
Visiting the Trains at Northpark

We still go to swimming lessons, even in December! Thanks Mimi!

The week before Christmas we took the most amazing trip to Colorado. It was nice to get out of the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle. I absolutely LOVED this trip! Jordan skied every day, Jaron skied for the first time, and Elijah got some special time with Mommy and Daddy. Here are Jaron and Elijah in their snow gear.

We (translation: I) made a snowman! It was tougher than I thought it would be this time. The snow just didn't want to stick together. Anyways, the snowman was cute, but the birds kept pecking away at his carrot nose, celery arms, and raisin mouth. Very cute at first though!
Cary and Elijah snuggling
The boys playing piano- for some reason they only wanted to wear their underwear/diapers in the house. No clothes- just nekky! They said they never got cold.
Workin on a puzzle
Had to stop by the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Here they are picking out their treats from behind the glass!
Marshmallow snowmen treats!
What a handsome boy!!
What a cutiepie!
Making snowballs to throw at each other...


Here are some more pictures of the boys at the house...

This is a picture of Jaron before his first day of ski school. He went for 2 days- a good start- and he was exhausted after ski school both days! I am pretty sure he ate a lot of cookies and drank a lot of hot cocoa. It was fun to see how proud he was of himself after skiing. He had a card full of stickers for every time he skied down their little run. We were so proud!
All 3 boys in Snowmass
Wrestling Daddy!
Cary and I got these hats in NYC when we went in November. The boys look so cute in them!

Reading books with Daddy before bed
We took Elijah to Boogie's (our favorite restaurant) while the big boys were in ski school. He enjoyed some yummy mac and cheese.
We made some Christmas cookies one afternoon, and then we decorated them. On the advice of a very wise woman, I decided that we'd make Christmas cookies in 3 shapes: a Star, a Cross, and a Crown, to represent Jesus when he was born, Jesus when He died, and Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven. It was a neat way to talk about the true meaning of Christmas with our boys, and a fun tradition to carry on throughout the years.

Jordan and Jaron playing in the snow
Sledding in the back yard!
The Pierce 5 at our (other) favorite restaurant in Snowmass!
Sweet and silly boys
Playing outside on our trek to a playground

They had fun doing some Christmas crafts too.
We also did another gingerbread house decorating party!

And Santa was there!

I took this amazing picture of a family of deer just from the side of the road. Beautiful!
Jordan being silly while we tried to set up our camera for a family pic
Here we are!
One night the boys watched their new movies, "Frosty the Snowman" and "Rudolph."
On the way back home...what an amazing trip!
We spent Christmas Eve at my Mom's house, and we started another tradition of a birthday cake for Jesus. It turned out great!!
Some great stuff from Mimi, Kimmy, and Uncle Jim

Christmas Morning

This is the 1 thing Jaron asked for this year, a cute little Reindeer. His name is Comet.
Elijah in his Buzz pajamas
This book is so cute- "Will, God's Mighty Warrior." Perfect for our boys.
We gave Elijah this adorable quilt we had made from the onesies he wore as a baby. Each onesie is decorated by someone who came to his baby shower before he was born. It's a really beautiful, special blankie for him!
Mr. Bumble dressed as Darth Vader.
Cary and Elijah with their new Bible
Jordan and Cary at Mammas & Poppop's house on Christmas Day...look at how handsome they both are!
Elijah and Hudson

Kids' Table
Take note of their cute Christmas jumpsuits!
Ava and Jaron...always the best of friends!
Mammas and Poppop gave the boys a baseball mitt chair.
Cary and I under the Christmas tree
Elijah and Micah with Mimi!
Enjoying a Christmas cookie
Jordan got the coolest book and made all these origami monsters. It was a lot of fun to watch him work on these during the days after Christmas.
This little bear is Jaron's gift to Jordan this year. He picked this out at the Dollar Store and he was SO excited to give this to Jordan. He actually said he wanted to pick out the "cutest bear" for Jordan that he could find.
Drinking OJ through these glasses from Mammas & PopPop
Our sweet little Elijah. :)
Eating ice cream with Baw Paw...we had a great time celebrating Christmas with Cary's parents, BawPaw and Grammy!

Baw Paw even helped Cary build this playhouse for the boys that Mimi had given them!
An awesome Christmas with Dad and Holly! Jaron LOVES this Richard Scarry game.
Haley with some of her gifts!
The boys absolutely love these "Find It" books given to them by my Dad and Holly. They still look at them almost every day!
Elijah got some Buzz silverware of course.
What a wonderful Christmas!! Happy Birthday Jesus!

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