Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fun times, Easter, etc.!

We went to the Museum of Nature and Science one very cold day recently.  The boys loved to play in the water area.  Nothing beats making a mess!
Here is Jaron in the giant sandbox they have.  The kids are supposed to dig for dinosaur fossils, but he just shoveled around the sand.
Here is Jaron smiling with his animals all lined up on the piano keys.
Another very cold day, we went to the flight museum and looked at the airplanes.  Here's Jaron by a helicopter.  
Then he got to get in the helicopter!
He needed a little juice break while looking at all these "BIG" airplanes!
One day we went to the Arboretum with Mimi.  
Jaron and Mimi having fun!
The most fun was throwing pennies into the water!
More pennies, Mimi!

Here is Jaron at a fun Easter egg hunt at Laurie and Greg's house.  
It is also fun to pour out the eggs!
And put them back in!
Mama helped him find some more eggs.
Jordan's Easter basket was really about quantity this year.  He pretty much dominated the Easter scene.  The other kids were all at least 6 years younger than him.  But of course he had a blast!
Here are Jordan's competitors: Caden, Ava, and Jaron.
They were so cute!
Jaron was interested in what was in everyone else's baskets.
Jordan with the little kids.
Here is Jordan in his acting class play- his name was Joodom, and he was a time traveler!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009


We had a wonderful Spring Break in Snowmass this year!  Creede & Lori Williams joined us, along with their little guy Creede Hudson.  Also, Jordan brought his friend Witt!

Here are Cary and Jaron enjoying the beautiful day.
Jaron LOVED this store because they had "plee ploks" (lollipops), and candy everywhere!
Jaron and Creede Hudson having fun.
Cary and Creede with the "busters."
Lori and I ridng the gondola in Snowmass.
This is Jaron's idea of shopping.
Witt and Jordan on the slopes!
Cary skied with the big boys every afternoon after ski school.
And here's Cary with the little boys!
Jaron wore his rubber boots outside and inside.
Working in the snow....
Jaron even made a little snowman!
We ate a Woody Creek Tavern good.
Around the house, Jaron enjoyed watching Elmo with his "doggy."
Big boys eating breakfast.
Ready to play in the snow!
Jaron is ready too!
We had a wonderful time together!

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